Saturday, October 13, 2007


The first Carter USM reunion show to be announced was the Brixton one.... back on April 4th! That's nearly a full seven months before the actual show. In some ways it's been great to have so much advance warning, because it's given me time to get my passport in order, book annual leave, book the flights, save some pennies, plan the itinerary and all those kind of boring but essential things. That said, it's been a long wait.

Somewhere along the way, the place where I work had a good financial year, so we all got to choose a free toy for our efforts. Whilst I'm not a fan of Apple's MP3 range, there was an iPod Shuffle available and I thought it would be worth getting... as I didn't much fancy the thought of lugging and worrying about my 40GB iRiver on my travels, especially as it's getting on in age a bit and the battery isn't what it used to be. Despite the inevitable technical malfunctions (curse you Apple!), I've finally managed to load the iPod Shuffle with 175 tunes for my trip. It's all charged and ready to go... and so am I.

Recently I got so tired of waiting, I organised a weekend away to Phillip Island with friends to drink too much beer and watch the AFL Grand Final just so that I'd have something a little more immediate to look forward to. Check out that line of empties!

I even started this blog as a distraction to be honest. Thankfully now, there's little need for any big distractions because I've only got 4 days to go. My bags are pretty well packed and it's just a matter now of watching the last few days slide by.

Never having gone out of the country before, I'm still likely to be a little on edge until I get on the plane and it takes off. I think once I'm in the air, heading for wherever it is we land first, I'll finally feel like the trip has actually begun. Until then, it's just mild edginess mixed with a wry smile.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I am so excited for you but MAN am I freaking out about this whole single mum thing!!!