Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Item located, pending confirmation

Well, well, well. My luggage has been located in Hong Kong. It's strange because Suzanne and I checked in at exactly the same counter at the same time in Hong Kong, served by the same guy, so I'm tipping that he must have botched something up. As Bennett would say, he's a dingus.

Suzanne's missing bag says the same thing too, so it looks like they've found them both at the same time, just like how they lost them both at the same time. It looks as if they will be sent on Cathay Pacific flight CX135 which will leave tonight and arrive in Melbourne for the morning. Stephanie is going to be home tomorrow from 11:30am or thereabouts, so they should be able to courier it around some time during the day. I'm not in a massive rush to get it back, it's more that I wanted to know that it was safe and I would get it eventually.

The status "ITEM LOCATED, PENDING CONFIRMATION" sounds pretty sweet to me right about now.
Postscript (9th November): The bag was delivered this afternoon

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