Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rosslyn Chapel

Today was a nice quiet day - well needed. In the afternoon we went off to Rosslyn Chapel for a look around and it was very nice, and very old. On the outside there was a lot of scaffolding, supposedly for the purpose of holding the place together but it wouldn't surprise me if it was just so you could climb up and see the chapel from a different vantage point, as well as the glorious countryside. What I liked about it as well is that it's still a functional chapel with actual services and meeting and such, so it's not just a relic of a faraway time.

I liked this picture here with the skeleton and the sickle because it looked a bit creepy. I don't understand the significance of it, but it looks pretty cool.

On the way back we popped into Sainsbury's and I got some HP Honey Woodsmoke BBQ sauce that I reckon will be a treat. Went to the Boots chemist nearby but they didn't have asthma inhalers. Hopefully I'll find somewhere tomorrow that'll take pity on me and let me buy one in the absence of a prescription. Luckily they had cold and flu tablets on sale so I brought a couple of packs along with another bottle of cough syrup.

After dinner, we went to Scott's brother's house for a cup of tea and a chinwag. I got to meet his wife, his daughter Tammy, and their lovely dog Simba who is notorious for climbing trees. After a much needed day of rest, it's back into Edinburgh tomorrow for some proper music shopping. Time for an early night.

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